Legislative Branch

Hse Sub. Members HearingsMarkupsSen Sub. Members – Hearings

FY 2025 House Action:
Subcomm: 5/23/24: Text | R-Summ | R-Stmt | D-Stmt | D-Summ | D-FactSheet.
Full Comm: 6/13/24: approved 33-24  | Text | R-Stmt | Rpt | R-Summ | D-Stmt | D-Summ | D-FactSheet
Floor: 7/11/24:  House failed to pass Leg-Br, 205-213, HR 8772 | R-Stmt | Rpt | R-Summ | D-Stmt | D-Summ | D-FactSheet

FY 2025 Senate Action:
Full Comm: 7/11/24: Senate Approps approved LegBr 27-0:  D-Stmt | D-Summ | Text | Rpt | Earmarks | R-Stmt | R-Summ

FY 2025 Action on Conference Report:
House Passage:  
Senate Passage:  


FY 2024 House Legislative Branch Appropriations Action:
Subcomm:  5/17: House subcomm approved – voice vote | Bill Text | Summary | D-Stmt
Full Comm:  6/21: Hse full comm approved Leg. Br. 33-24 | Text | Rpt | R-Stmt | D-Stmt
Floor: 11/1: Hse passed H.R 4364, the Leg. Br. bill, 214-197 |  Summ |  Text | Rpt | R-Stmt | D-Stmt. 

FY 2024 Senate Legislative Branch Appropriations Action:
Full Comm: 7/13: Sen full comm approved Leg. 29-0 | Text | Rpt | Summ | D-Stmt | R-Stmt

FY 2024 Action on Conference Report:
Agreement:  Bill Text| Jt. Stmt Division E | Hse-R-Sum | Hse-D-Sum | Sen-D-Sum
House Passage: Passed Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (amendment to HR 2882), 286-134
Senate Passage:  
Passed Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (amendment to HR 2882), 74-24
President: President will sign

The Legislative Branch bill funds the following:
House of Representatives

Architect of the Capitol 
Books for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (Library of Congress)
Botanic Garden (Architect of the Capitol)
Capitol Police
Congressional Budget Office
Congressional Research Service (Library of Congress)
Copyright Office (Library of Congress)
Government Accountability Office
Government Publishing Office
John C. Stennis Center for Public Service, Training, and Development
Joint Committee on Taxation
Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies
Joint Economic Committee
Library of Congress
Office of Compliance
Office of Congressional Accessibility Services
Office of the Attending Physician
Open World Leadership Center Trust Fund
In most respects House and Senate appropriations subcommittee jurisdictions are parallel.

Historical Database – Leg Branch: 

Open a document below, press the Ctrl + F buttons, and enter relevant terms to locate the bill or report provisions you need.

Omnibus or Consolidated:  all (or most) regular appropriations bills packaged together.
Minibus:  several regular appropriations bills packaged together.
CR:  continues agency funding at a particular level–often the previous year–without detailed appropriations.
Cromnibus:  a CR for some agencies and detailed appropriations for others.
Note on Joint Statements:  In many cases, (House-Senate) joint explanatory statements on omnibus appropriations bills are printed only in the Congressional Record–which is impossible to read on mobile devices.  In those cases, we have uploaded House Rules Committee PDFs. 
Please note:  When you click on the links below, the bill your browser opens may not be what you expect, because the appropriations language you need has been included by the Committee in a bill with an unrelated title.  For example, LHHS appropriations might be included in a bill titled Mil-Con-VA.  Simply proceed to the relevant “title” or “division” of the bill.
  FY   Omnibus,
Individual Bill or CR
Joint Stmt
2023 Cons-23 Div I Comm Prt Div I Hse Leg Rpt 23 Sen Leg Rpt 23
2022 Cons-22 Div I Jt Stm 22 Div I Hse Leg Rpt 22 Sen Leg Rpt 22
2021 Omni-21 Div I Jt Stmt 21 Div I Hse Leg Rpt 21 Sen Leg Rpt 21
2020 Furthr Cons-20 Div E Furthr Cons-20 Div E Hse Leg Rpt 20  Sen Leg Rpt 20 
2019 Mini-19 Div B  Jt Stmt 19 Div B Hse Leg Rpt 19  Sen Leg Rpt 19 
2018 Omni-18 Div I Jt Stmt 18 Leg Hse Leg Rpt 18 Sen Leg Rpt 18
2017 Omni-17 Div I Jt Stmt 17 Leg Hse Leg Rpt 17 Sen Leg Rpt 17
2016 Omni-16 Div I Jt Stmt Div I  Hse Leg Rpt 16 Sen Leg Rpt 16
2015 Omni-15 Div H Jt Stmt 15 Leg Hse Leg Rpt 15 Sen Leg Rpt 15
2014 Omni-14 Div I Jt Stmt Div I Hse Leg Rpt 14 Sen Leg Rpt 14
2013 Cromni-13 Div F, Chap 6 Cromni-13 Jt Stmt Div F Hse Leg Rpt 13 Sen Leg Rpt 13
2012 Omni-12 Div G Jt Stmt Div G Hse Leg Rpt 12 Sen Leg Rpt 12
2011 CR-11 n/a n/a  Sen Leg Rpt 11
2010 H.R.2918 Div A Conf Rpt Leg 10 Hse Leg Rpt 10 Sen Leg Rpt 10
2009 Omni-09 Div G Joint Stmt Div G  n/a n/a
2008 Omni-08 Div H Jt Stmt Leg 08 Hse Leg Rpt 08 Sen Leg Rpt 08
2007 CR-07 Chapter 7 n/a Hse Leg Rpt 07 Sen Leg Rpt 07
House Appropriations re-established a Leg. Branch subcommittee at the beginning of the 110th Congress (2007).
2006 Leg Approps 06 Conf Rpt Leg 06 Hse Leg Rpt 06 Sen Leg Rpt 06
2005 Omni-05 Div G Conf Rpt 05 Div G Hse Leg Rpt 05 Sen Leg Rpt 05
**At the beginning of the 109th Congress (2005), the House Appropriations Committee undertook a substantial reorganization, reducing the number of subcommittees from 13 to 10, achieved in part by eliminating the Subcommittee on the Legislative Branch — with jurisdiction going to the full committee.  However, the Senate retained a Leg. Branch Subcommittee.
2004 Leg Approps 04 Conf Rpt Leg 04 Hse Leg Rpt 04 Sen Leg Rpt 04
2003 Omni-03  Div H Conf Rpt Div H Hse Leg Rpt 03 Sen Leg Rpt 03
2002 Leg Approps 02 Conf Rpt Leg 02 Hse Leg Rpt 02 Sen Leg Rpt 02
2001 Omni-01 App B Conf Rpt 01 App B Hse Leg Rpt 01 Sen Leg Rpt 01
2000 Leg Approps 2000 Conf Rpt Leg 00 Hse Leg Rpt 00 Sen Leg Rpt 00
1999 Leg Approps 99 Conf Rpt Leg 99 Hse Leg Rpt 99 n/a
1998 Leg Approps 98 Conf Rpt Leg 98 Hse Leg Rpt 98 Sen Leg Rpt 98