About Appropriations.com

Charles S. Konigsberg, J.D., Founder and President of Capitol Public Policy LLC

Appropriations.com is published by Capitol Public Policy LLC. 

Charles S. Konigsberg, J.D., Founder and President of Capitol Public Policy LLC, served as Assistant Director at the White House Office of Management and Budget for three successive Budget Directors; General Counsel at the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, where he had principal responsibility for managing federal budget and debt limit legislation; Minority Chief Counsel at the U.S. Senate Rules & Administration Committee where he advised the ranking member on budget, appropriations, trade, and tax legislation; Staff Attorney at the U.S. Senate Budget Committee where he had responsibility for federal fiscal law issues including the Impoundment Control Act and drafted the first explanation of the congressional budget process; Director of Congressional Affairs at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and AmeriCorps; and staff director of a national bipartisan budget task force.

He writes the weekly column, Trillions, available at: https://fedbudgetguy.substack.com.

He is the founder and publisher of Appropriations.com and GovBudget.com, both providing up-to-date nonpartisan, plain English news and explanations of congressional appropriations, federal spending, taxes, and the U.S. budget process.

His bipartisan subject matter expertise includes fiscal policy, appropriations, budget reconciliation, the Impoundment Control Act, federal tax, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, veterans’ health, mental health, Indian health, energy and environment, homeland security, defense, highway funding, special education, national service, international trade, consumer protection, and congressional procedure.

He is author of a leading annual book on the federal budget: TRILLIONS: A Primer on Federal Spending, Taxes, the U.S. Debt Ceiling, and Fiscal Law (with the 2024-25 edition released in September 2024) as well as numerous congressional publications explaining the interactions of the congressional authorization, appropriation, tax, and budget processes including the Senate Finance Committee Blue Book and the first two editions of the Senate Budget Committee’s official explanation of the congressional budget process.

Mr. Konigsberg is admitted to the U.S. Supreme Court Bar, the District of Columbia Bar, and the Ohio Bar.

Capitol Public Policy LLC provides the following services:

  • Fiscal Intelligence: Appropriations, Impoundment Control Act, Government Shutdowns, and Debt Limit
  • Appropriations, Mandatory Funding, and Tax options for new initiatives
  • Media Interviews
  • “Washington Update” Keynotes and Briefings
  • Advocacy Strategies
  • Budget Process Training

For media interviews, speaking engagements, advocacy strategies, legislative drafting, or briefings on the federal budget, appropriations, mandatory spending, or tax provisions contact us at:

Fees are set on a sliding scale depending on the client or association’s size and profit or non-profit status.

Related Publications by Charles S. Konigsberg, J.D.

  • The Annual Sequester of Mandatory Spending through FY 2029, by Charles S. Konigsberg, October 4, 2019, Congressional Research Service.
  • FY2020 Mandatory Sequester Reduces Medicare $15.3 Billion, Other Mandatory Spending $5.39 Billion, by Charles S. Konigsberg, October 15, 2019, Congressional Research Service.
  • Restoring America’s Future: A Comprehensive Plan of the Domenici-Rivlin Bipartisan Debt Reduction Task Force 
    • General Editor; Author, chapter on Non-Defense Appropriations.
  • America’s Priorities: How the U.S. Government Raises and Spends $3 Trillion per Year
    • © 2007 by Charles S. Konigsberg, 431 pp.
  • Senate Finance Committee Blue Book: Program Descriptions and General Budget Information,
    • Editor and Author, Charles S. Konigsberg, General Counsel, Senate Finance Committee
  • Gramm-Rudman-Hollings and the Congressional Budget Process
    • by Charles S. Konigsberg, Staff Attorney, Senate Budget Committee
  • Senate Budget Committee: The Congressional Budget Process – How It Works
    • by Charles S. Konigsberg, Staff Attorney, Senate Budget Committee
  • Amending the Congressional Budget Act of 1974
    • Notre Dame Journal of Legislation