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Recent Appropriation Actions and Policy News (see Chron for news archives):

STATUS:  The House began an extended summer recess on Thursday, giving up on its aim to complete all Appropriations bills this month; thus far, only 5 of 12 bills have been completed on the House Floor, on a largely partisan basis: Def, H-Sec, MilCon-VA, S-FOps, and Int-Env; (the Leg-Br. bill was defeated on the House Floor).  By contrast, the Senate Appropriations Committee has voted out 7 appropriations bills with broad bipartisan support; see below.

Thurs, July 25:  Senate Appropriations Chair and Ranking Member Murray (D-WA) and Collins (R-ME) continue to move forward with broad bipartisan support on FY 25 Appropriations bills:

Sen. Approps. Comm. approved CJS 26-3: D-Stmt | D-Summ | Text | Adopted Amendments | Rpt | Earmarks | R-Stmt
Sen. Approps. Comm. approved Int-Env 28-1: D-Stmt | D-Summ | Text | Adopted Amendments |  Rpt | Earmarks | R-Stmt
Sen. Approps. Comm. approved State-FOps 24-5: D-Stmt | D-Summ | Text | Adopted Amendments | Rpt | R-Stmt
Sen. Approps. Comm. approved T-HUD 28-1: D-Stmt | D-Summ | Text | Adopted Amendments |  Rpt | Earmarks | R-Stmt

Wed, July 24House GOP leaders canceled plans to vote on the E-W appropriations bill this week, and scrapped plans to take up the AG and FSGG appropriation bills next week, or any other bills, opting to start the summer recess early–contrary to Speaker Johnson’s earlier vow that the House wouldn’t recess without passing all 12 bills.  The House has thus far passed only five bills, Def, H-Sec, MilCon-VA, S-FOps, and Int-Env, and failed to pass Leg-Br. GOP leaders have acknowledged that defections within their own party have derailed plans to pass the remaining bills.

House passed Int-Env 210-205: R-Stmt |R-Summ | HR 8998 |Rpt |Earmarks |D-Stmt |D-Summ |D-FactSheet

Tues, July 23:
House began consideration of E-WR-Stmt | R-Summ | HR 8997 | Rpt | Earmarks | D-Stmt | D-Summ |D-FactSheetThe bill was pulled from the Floor at the end of the day due to internal opposition from a number of Republicans, as reported by Politico.
House began consideration of Int-EnvR-Stmt | R-Summ | HR 8998 | Rpt | Earmarks | D-Stmt | D-Summ | D-FactSheet
House Appropriations Dems statement on spending cuts and policy riders

Mon, July 22:  House Rules Comm. reported a Rule setting forth procedures for the consideration of the E-W and Int-Env bills.  Meanwhile, the House dropped plans to bring the FSGG and AG bills to the House Floor this week. It is also unclear whether the remaining Appropriation bills will be brought to the Floor next week, with increasing discussion about recessing early, reports Roll Call. For background on why House Leadership dropped the FSGG and AG bills from this week’s schedule, listen to the CQ Budget Podcast here.

Sun, July 21 President Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race, in a letter posted on X (twitter) and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris.

Thurs, July 11:
House failed to pass Leg-Br, 205-213, HR 8772 | R-Stmt | Rpt | R-Summ | D-Stmt | D-Summ | D-FactSheet
Senate Approps approved AG 27-0:  D-Stmt | D-Summ | Text | Rpt | Earmarks | R-Stmt |
Senate Approps approved MilCon-VA 27-0:  D-Stmt | D-Summ | Text | Rpt | Earmarks | R-Stmt |
Senate Approps approved LegBr 27-0:  D-Stmt | D-Summ | Text | Rpt | Earmarks | R-Stmt |
Senate Approps approved 302(b) subcomm. allocations 15-12: allocations  “These allocations do not include any of the adjustments and emergency funding agreed to as part of the Fiscal Responsibility Act agreement, or the additional emergency funding that Chair Murray and Vice Chair Collins have agreed to for fiscal year 2025. These resources will instead be reflected as each subcommittee reports its bill.”

Wed, July 10:
House Approps approved AG 29-26:  R-Stmt | R-Summ | HR 9027| Rpt | Earmarks | D-Stmt | D-Summ | D-FactSheet 
House Approps approved T-HUD 31-26:  R-Stmt | R-Summ | HR 9028 | Rpt | Earmarks | D-Stmt | D-Summ | D-FactSheet
House Approps approved L-HHS-ED 31-25:  R-Stmt | R-Summ | HR 9029 | Rpt | D-Stmt | D-Summ | D-FactSheet | D-FactSheet #2 | D-FactSheet #3 | D-FactSheet #4

Tues, July 9“The Senate will pursue a spending increase next year of about 3.4% for defense and 2.7% increase for non-defense programs under an agreement reached by top Democratic and Republican lawmakers on the Senate Appropriations Committee, setting up a certain clash with the House,” reports ABC News.
House Approps approved C-J-S 31-26:  R-Stmt | R-Summ | HR 9026 | Rpt | Earmarks | D-Stmt | D-Summ | D-FactSheet
House Approps approved Int-Env 29-25:  R-Stmt | R-Summ | HR 8998 | Rpt | Earmarks | D-Stmt | D-Summ | D-FactSheet
House Approps approved E-W 30-26:  R-Stmt | R-Summ | HR 8997 | Rpt | Earmarks | D-Stmt | D-Summ | D-FactSheet


See Chron for actions prior to the above date. 


Click on Links Below for BillsReportsSummaries, and SAPs
“Sub” = subcommittee markup | “Full” = full committee markup
“FL” = floor action | “MB” = minibus

FY2025 House

FY 2025
Budget-Res. or
Deeming Res.
3/7 markup no action
Dem. letter
GOP letter
§ 122 of FRA (HR 3746) include levels “deemed” to be FY 25 budget resolution for purposes of Senate points of order  n/a
(and revisions)
5/23: approved 30-22: Text | Report | R-Stmt | D-Stmt 7/11: approved 15-12 n/a
FY 2025 CRs (continuing resolutions):
House Appropriations Schedule
AG-Rural-FDA 6/11 sub. approved;
7/10 full comm. approved
7/11 full comm approved
C-J-S 6/26 sub. approved;
7/9 full comm. approved
7/25 full comm. approved
DEF 6/28: Passed House
E-W 6/28 sub. approved;
7/9 full comm. approved
FSGG 6/5 sub. approved;
6/13 full comm. approved
H-SEC 6/28: Passed House
INT-ENV 6/28 sub. approved;
7/9 full comm. approved
7/25 full comm. approved
L-HHS-Ed 6/27 sub. approved;
7/10 full comm. approved
LEG-BR 7/11: failed in House 7/11 full comm. approved
6/5: Passed House 7/11 full comm. approved
SFOPS 6/28: Passed House 7/25 full comm. approved
THUD 6/27 sub. approved;
7/10 full comm. approved
7/25 full comm. approved


Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) Spending Caps for FYs 2024 and 2025  
 (Budget Authority, billions of $)
FY 2023
FRA §101 2024 Caps¹
Jan. 7, 2024 Johnson-Schumer Agreement
FRA §102
2024 Caps as adjusted on 1/1/24
(but reverted to §101 caps on 3/23/24 w/ completion of
FY ’24 appropriations)
Fiscal Respon-sibility Act
2025 Caps
Defense Discretionary
(base funding)
858.4 886.3 (President’s requested level) 886.3
849.8 895.212
Discretionary (NDD)
(base funding)
743.9 703.7 703.7 736.5 710.688
Total Discretionary
(base funding)
1,602.2 1,590.0 1,590.0 1,586.2 1,605.9
NDD adjustments, aka $69 billion Side Agreement ²
     CHIMPs 15.0 25.0 15.0
     Emergencies 12.5 23.0 12.5
     IRS Rescission 10.0 20.2
     Commerce Rescission 11.0 12.4
     Covid-19 Rescissions   6.1
     BA offsets from housing receipts   2.8 (approx.)
     Subtotal, NDD Adjustments 69.0 69.0
NDD Total
(w/ adjustments)
771.4 772.7 772.7
¹Pursuant to FRA §102, on 1/1/2024, the statutory discretionary caps were technically adjusted to levels one percent below FY 2023 base levels–which would have been enforced through OMB sequestration (uniform percentage across-the-board cuts) on April 30, 2024 if a CR had remained in effect for discretionary spending programs. This was designed to be an incentive to complete all 12 annual appropriations bills. Since all FY 2024 bills were completed on 3/23/24, the discretionary spending caps reverted to FRA §101 levels.   
²Side agreement refers to $69 billion in additional nondefense funds enabled by budgetary adjustments agreed to by President Biden and Speaker McCarthy during negotiation of the FRA: rescission of $10 billion in IRS funding and $11 billion from a Commerce Department account that creates room for more discretionary spending under the cap; Changes in Mandatory Programs (“CHIMPs”) where rescission of $25 billion in mandatory budget authority allows for additional discretionary spending under the cap; and $23 billion in emergency funding, which is exempt from the discretionary caps.  See this explanation for more details.  However, the January 7, 2024 agreement changed the composition of the $69 billion, as reflected in this table, and reported by Roll Call.
Sources:  Sources: Letter from CBO to Speaker McCarthy, “CBO’s Estimate of the Budgetary Effects of H.R. 3746, the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023” (May 30, 2023), Tables 2 and 3; for FY 2023 BA levels, CBO table 1-S for H.R. 2617 published 12/21/2022; for FY 2022 BA levels, CBO Table 1 for HR 2471 published 03/14/2022; Jan 7, 2024 Johnson memo to House Republicans; CAP appropriations summary; CBPP explanation of side agreement.